Journey of MVP to Product

From identifying key features and validating your product with real users, to scaling and refining it over time, Learn the practical steps for bringing their MVP to market. Join us to learn from experts and gain insights on how to turn your MVP into a product that meets the needs and exceeds the expectations of your customers..


Zero to One: How to Build Your Startup

A comprehensive guide to starting and growing a successful business. It covers a wide range of topics, including identifying a unique value proposition, developing a business plan, raising capital, and building a strong team.


Mitigating Legal Risks

This webinar will provide valuable insights and strategies for businesses to mitigate legal risks. Our expert speakers will discuss the most common legal risks that businesses face and provide practical tips on how to avoid them.


Fundamental of Blockchain

Join the race to capture opportunities that create new value, transform industries, improve the business environment and reduce risk. The webinar is free and as a bonus, you will find my cheat sheet blockchain + presentation slides.